
Gangs of the Undercity - a cyberpunk/fantasy skirmish game

Created by Opti

GotU is a 28mm cyberpunk/fantasy skirmish game. Build your gang, defeat your enemies, and stake your claim in Neo-Babylon's Undercity!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Updated Model Previews
over 3 years ago – Mon, Sep 07, 2020 at 08:01:16 PM

Hey folks! Our Backerkit pledge manager will be up for another 11 days. Almost half of you have confirmed your pledges, thank you! But there is still time, so no rush yet. But if you don't mind sharing the link at the bottom and encouraging new people to hop in with late pledges, we'll be your best friend! 

Jaxon, Satyr Rocker

Here's a preview of Jaxon, who can fit in with your Hetairoi gang or as just another satyr in whatever gang you want him for!

Ogre Bounty Hunter

This is a model we never announced, because it was the reward for the create-your-own miniature at the Grey Star pledge level. But our sculptor got it done in a flash, so we're adding it to the pledge manager and pre-order store soon!

Late Pledges

One of the cool things with Backerkit is late pledges, so if you know any one who missed the Kickstarter, or know of someone you want to play Gangs of the Undercity with, invite them to pre-order GotU and get in on the action! Here's the link you can send them:


I've paid the deposit for our manufacturer, and should be getting samples of our boxes, tokens, and inserts sent to me soon. I know this isn't an exciting piece of info, but I wanted to keep everyone in the loop as to where we are. 

Okay, that's it for this update! We've raised an additional $15k in the pledge manager, so keep it up and we'll keep seeing more good things!

 - Opti

Backerkit Pledge Manager is live!
over 3 years ago – Thu, Sep 03, 2020 at 08:47:23 PM

Great news! The Backerkit pledge manager is live! We sent out a smoke test to 5% of you yesterday, and things seem to have gone smoothly! So now, we are live! 

Pledge Manger

As noted in previous updates, because we were delayed in launching the pledge manager, it is now staying open until Sept. 17, just to give everyone plenty of time to get their pledges locked in. If it it getting close to the end mark, and you haven't locked in your pledge yet, expect numerous emails from us, just so we can make sure there are no glitches in getting you what you pledged for!

If you have any questions, please reach out. Otherwise, have fun with the add-ons! Note: As sculpts come in, we will be updating the pictures on the pledge manager, so if you want to wait to see what a model looks like before purchasing, you can wait up to two weeks from now to lock in your pledge. 

And make sure to share on social medias when you're done!

If you haven't received an email inviting you to the Backerkit pledge manager, first check your email spam filters, and if you still can't find it,  please reach out as soon as possible. 

Late Pledges

One of the cool things with Backerkit is late pledges, so if you know any one who missed the Kickstarter, or know of someone you want to play Gangs of the Undercity with, invite them to pre-order GotU and get in on the action! Here's the link you can send them:

Thank you so much for all your support! Things are looking great!

 - Opti

Backerkit Smoke Test Is Live
over 3 years ago – Thu, Sep 03, 2020 at 02:30:46 AM

Hey folks, I've got good news! Our backerkit has been approved and the smoke tests have been sent out. A "smoke test" sends surveys to 5% of backers from each pledge level in our campaign. It aims to catch any errors in our survey and make sure everything runs smoothly. Once completed, we'll send surveys to the rest of our backers. We'll be extending the deadline to lock in pledges a few days to make sure we give everyone at least two weeks to do any add-on shopping they want. That's the only update for today, other than manufacturing deposits have been made, so if their manufacturing promise holds (they said manufacturing should be complete 75 days from now), we should be right on track for our December fulfillment date. 

So now the busy busy season begins!

Thanks for hanging in there with us!

over 3 years ago – Tue, Sep 01, 2020 at 11:41:29 PM

Ok, we have been told by Kickstarter they have released the funds, so we are now waiting just for the bank to tell us we have the funds! Exciting times at Fragging Unicorns, friends! Keep an eye out for the backerkit email invitation in the next few days. 

Game Update

We are releasing another playtest version of Gangs of the Undercity to our backers! This one has a ton of layout changes and small updates to help everything read smoother and be better organized. We have also included rules for creating your own gang! This document is a work in process, though! There will be more to come. but ANY and ALL feedback by you will only make this game even better! We would prefer feedback on our Discord server, particularly in the gotu-playtest-feedback section. Enjoy!

Link to Gangs of the Undercity playtest v. 1.8.31:

Link to Discord server:

Just Checking In
over 3 years ago – Sat, Aug 29, 2020 at 02:29:41 PM

Hey folks, I said I'd check in on the 29th, so here we are. As of yet, Kickstarter has not released the funds. They said 14 days, but I assume there is always the possibility of a few days give or take. No problem. If the funds aren't released by September 2, we will extend the closing of the pledge manager so you all have at least 2 weeks to lock in your add-ons, etc. I'll check back in as soon as I hear anything. 


We were able to get a two-fer for our Shadow Caste Assassin model, so we'll be offering both of these (male and female) lovelies both as individuals and as part of gang boxes. All their parts are modular, so you can mix and match between them to create many different models. 


For the Necro Goblins, we have two new offerings. One is Balazs, the leader of the Necro Goblins, in his stolen prototype anthoid. The other is a smooth gangster goblin. A mob goblin... a moblin, if you will. Both will be available as single miniatures and in the Necro Goblins gang box. 

Balazs, Necro Goblins Boss
Gangster Goblin... mob goblin.... MOBLIN!

In addition to the pledge manager, we are just a day or so away from releasing an updated ruleset with Gang Creation included. When we do, we'd love to have all your eyes on it so we can fix any issues, address any un-clarities, or otherwise make the book better before we send it to layout/print. Give us a shout if you have any questions!

 - Opti